Maintenance Package

Our Maintenance package works hand in hand with our subscription service, once you’ve had a minimum of our deep clean package we can maintain your car on a monthly/fortnightly/weekly basis, keeping the level of cleanliness to the same standard and not only that, being on our subscription plan ensures your slot is always booked and you benefit from added bonuses each quarter!

Plans available from £40 which are tailored to your requirements

Our maintenance package is designed to keep your vehicle looking its best.

once a minimum of our deep clean package has been carried out on your vehicle, we will return within a month or sooner if you require and maintain that same high level of cleanliness.
We don’t believe in mini valets or a quick flick over, as we do things right.

Each visit will compromise of a full dust detail of the interior, ensuring all areas if the interior are vacuumed and cleaned thoroughly to ensure that deep clean feel is maintained.
The exterior will receive the same high level of detail with our multi stage, two bucket wash method ensuring the arches and wheels are intricately cleaned to the highest standard, before being dried using hot filtered air and plush drying towels as well as keeping paint protection topped up.

But wait… there’s more!
If you are on our subscription you will be guaranteed your slot each time as well as benefit from free upgrades every quarter, weather it be a protection upgrade, engine bay deep clean or even paintwork enhancement!

Its a no-brainer. Oh, and did we mention it will save you money!